Événements, News
[STD] Webinaire Propriété Intellectuelle et stratégie de levée de fonds
Date de publication : 18/01/21
As part of their Technology Transfer Activities, Fusion for Energy and In Extenso Innovation Croissance highlight and reward the best fusion technology integration projects through the Fusion for Energy Technology Transfer Award, starting on January 18th.
Fusion for Energy (F4E) facilitates the further use of fusion technologies by European industries. Technology transfer brokers strive to identify the business potential of fusion innovations and facilitate their commercial use in other applications. Its services are offered to all companies looking for new market opportunities. With a network of 7 brokers in Europe, the programme helps entrepreneurs, scientists and businesses willing to integrate fusion technologies in the development of their products.
Open to European companies and organisations, this new award aims at promoting the integration of fusion technologies through advanced innovation projects. With an application period from January 18 to March 18, 2021, the competition will select the winner in April 2021 among the most promising projects of transfer to a non-fusion environment.
All applications shall be submitted in English on the dedicated marketplace of the transfer program.
Applications submitted online between January and March will then be reviewed by both In Extenso Innovation Croissance and Fusion for Energy and the projects selected according to two distinct criteria
Visit the dedicated marketplace for more information about the competition or to submit your application.
Événements, News
[STD] Webinaire Propriété Intellectuelle et stratégie de levée de fonds
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