Lancement de la Chaire « Leading a Scale-Up » par notre partenaire ESSEC Business School
Date de publication : 19/03/21
The H2020-funded SiMBiT (Grant No 824946) project aims to develop a disruptive in-vivo testing solution that can perform single-molecule detection of both proteins and DNA bio-markers.
The SiMBiT cost-effective platform exhibits enhanced sensing capabilities: specificity towards both genomic and protein markers along with single-molecule detection limits, and time-to results within two hours. This makes the SiMBiT prototype the world best performing bio-electronic sensing system.
In a consortium of 9 European partners coordinated by CSGI, In Extenso Innovation Croissance (through its subsidiary Efficient Innovation) brings its expertise in Innovation Management and also coordinates dissemination & exploitation activities.
Visit to learn more about the project
Lancement de la Chaire « Leading a Scale-Up » par notre partenaire ESSEC Business School
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